Thursday 5 March 2009

I am now LIVE!!!!!!!

Since my last installment 2 weeks ago,i have been hunting the ethyr for someone to be a really great person and swap my banned xbox 360 ( which i bought in that condition ) for one that is not banned.
As luck had it i was on placement at the Clavie ( Claverhouse ) under the tutelage of Mr Keiran Malone,whom has been teaching myself and the rest of my rag tag "classmates", the ins and outs of computer basics, things are going better than i had thought they would, because as you can see i have my own web page ( sort of ) with a few other links to my others, So a big " WE ARE NOT WORTHY ! ! !" to Keiran,Whom without this page and others like would not have been possible.
But before i sign off out this installment i would like to say to my good friend Tommy ( who i met at the Clavie ) " thanks for swapping me xboxes man,hope you enjoy the games i gave you!".